Ōtaki Library Photovoltaic Electricity Project

The Council and local electricity network company Electra installed a 2.0 kilowatt-peak solar photovoltaic system on the Ōtaki Library and Memorial Hall in 2011 to demonstrate this technology to the public. The installation had the support of clean-tech businesses Astara Technologies, ESG Green Energy, Enasolar and Mitsubishi Electric. The Installation is clearly visible on Main Street to passersby, and realtime information and historic data can be accessed via a touchscreen inside the library or online at www.splashmonitoring.com/system/otakilibrarysolar. The installation produces around 2,600 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year which is used in the building. Any excess power is fed into the local lines network. 

The 16 square metre photovoltaic (PV) array consists of eight Mitsubishi Electric panels linked to the electrical system of the building, via a ‘grid-tied’ Enasolar inverter.





CO2 saved: graph from the library 22-23 November, a sunny day.

CO2 saved: graph from the library 22-23 November, a sunny day.

Energy generated on 22-23 November 2013, a sunny day.

Energy generated on 22-23 November 2013, a sunny day.