Our wonderful Ōtaki MenzShed helped to fit out the Bike Space container.

Are you a whizz at fixing bikes and would like to teach others?
Are you passionate about bike riding and might be able to volunteer to get bikes out to the community? Would you like a bike and would be willing to give some time?

Get in contact! We can be reached here or we have a FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/OtakiBikeSpace/

September 2019 Update: We are having a party! On the first Tuesday of School holidays, 1 October 2019 from 11am – 2pm, we will be having a Bike Rodeo with Pedal Ready Wellington.

Bike Rodeo at Ōtaki Bike Space

July 2019 Update: Thanks to the wonderful people at the Ōtaki MenzShed, we have a workbench and some tools to start some community bike fixing! We still need to purchase some more tools, and plan a date to launch, so if you have some time and some interest, get in contact!

We have about 16 kids bikes that are ready for some minor refurbishments – a new handlebar grip here, a tyre pump there, and 25 adult bikes that need to either be disassembled for parts, or also need a tyre pump here and a new handlebar grip there. Not a lot to do if we have a few people to help! We are keen to give these bikes away, we just need a date to give them some love with a group of volunteers, and then have a party to get them out into the community.

Bike Space Ōtaki – Emptiness is the fullness of potential

Emptiness is the fullness of potential!

In May 2019, Energise Ōtaki emptied the Bike Space Ōtaki container and are working with the wonderful Ōtaki MenzShed to fit it out as a working space for repairing bikes.